updated: 2022-01-23_12:32:30-05:00

updated: 2021-11-19_09:55:40-05:00

Turing Machine

Simple model of computation

A turing recognizable language is recognized by some turing machine

  • recognizable only if it ends in accept state

A turing decidable language is decided by some turing machine

  • has to go to accept/reject state, should not loop
  • if a language loops, it is not decidable


A turing machine is a 7-tuple (Q, $\Sigma$, $\rho$,$\delta$, q0, qA, qR)
where Q, $\Sigma$, $\rho$ are finite sets and

  1. Q is the set of states
  2. $\Sigma$ is the input alphabet not including blank symbol _
  3. $\delta$ is the tape symbol where _ $\in$ $\rho$ and $\Sigma \subseteq \rho$
  4. .... Just gonna take a pic
  5. .
  6. .
  7. .
    Pasted image 20211112095636

As a TM computes, changes occur in [Current state|Current Tape|Head location]

Configuration of a TM:
(q,u,i) where
q $\in$ Q
u is a semi-infinite string over $\rho$
i $\in$ Z+ head location starts at 1

Initial Configuration:
(q0,w_, 1)
Accepting Configuration:
(q_accept, ... , ...)
(q_reject, ... , ...)

[Turing Machine|Stats|  
	[<table> S| . |. ||. |. ]  
[Turing Machine]->[Memory|0|1|...]  

Input is stored in an unbounded memory
You can change what's in memory, move left or right
write what you can't remember

DFA $\delta$ (q1,0) = q2
TM $\delta$(q1,0)=(q2,1,L|R) {1 is the symbol, L|R is direction }

if no transition on dfa, go to failure state (reject state)

For a Turing machine, it has to either have transition or be in accept/reject state

Halting states:


Is there any guarantee that on a given input the TM will enter either qaccept or qreject? No!

This will become the Halting Problem

Eg: Strings of length >=2 and start and end with same symbol
$\Sigma$ = {0,1}


Infinite memory, so we need to know end of input (tape symbol)


reject = false;
if first symbol in tape is _ , reject=true;
else move right, remember first symbol
if symbol is _ reject
else ? something something, once you see one, move left

State diagram

we are at a
a is input reading
changing b to a, move D

[<hidden>Blank]-> [q0]  

An Algorithm is a turing machine that always halts


Example: a^n b^n c^n

Not CFL, but is TM


  1. Add input to tape
  2. add _ to end of input
    1. first symbol _ -> Reject
    2. first symbol b or c -> Reject
    3. first symbol a, change to x and move right
      1. keep moving right until you see a b
      2. if you see a b, change it to a y
        1. keep moving right until you see a c
        2. if you see a c change it to a z
          1. keep moving left until you see an x
          2. move right & repeat back to
    4. ^^here
    5. check if all a's are marked, b's are marked, c's are marked
    6. accept or reject

Example: L = {0^2^n | n >= 0}

0's where length is power of 2

mark first element as blank.
add blank at end
mark every other 0 until blank


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Example L = {w # w| w in 0,1}

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Multitape Turing Machine

3 Tape

Theorem: Every Multitape TM has an equivalent single tape TM

  1. Need to store all tapes input into a single tape
  2. Each tape has to be noted

Deliminator here is chosen to be #


we could keep track of various heads with underline
to make more space, move all characters right of #


by1 -> ax0, RLR

2 Stack

  1. Put data into two stacks
  2. What does the transititon mean (L,R)
  3. Keep track of head position

Top of stack 2 is current head


  • replace ai+1 with whatever transition says


  • Pop from front, push to back

Pop is bottom most element, push to end

Nondeterministic FA as a turing machine

L = {0$^{k}$| k is a composite number (non prime)}

  1. pick 2 numbers n1 and n2 such that 2 < n1 ... n2 ... < k
  2. write n1 number of 0's and n2 number of 1's to TM tape
  3. check if n1 * n2 = k; if yes accept; else reject

How do we do multiplication on a Turing Machine?

at some point we have n1 = 3 and n2 = 5

k number of 0s ; # ; n1 (000) # n2 (11111) #
mark first 0 as b;

Nondeterminism comes from picking n1 and n2